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CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

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An Iot Scheme For Transforming Any Building Into An Energy-Efficient One

Energy consumption is a real-world issue having a great impact in the economy. Energy bills as well as carbon footprint are aspects that affect business' efficiency. The first one affects the business finances, while the second affects consumers' perception of the business. This project aims to save energy and money through the design and implementation of a IoT system that allows a user to shut down/ hibernate the personal computer and other equipment remotely when it is not been used. Additionally, this system implements a module for shutting down other office equipment based on people’s presence, such as lighting, saving energy and money for the business. There is worth in notice that the proposed system has been tested and validated obtaining the expected results.

Omar Aviles-Rivera
Universidad Ana G. Mendez
Puerto Rico

Nelson Rivera-García
Universidad Ana G. Mendez
Puerto Rico

Yarelis Ares-Mendoza
Universidad Ana G. Mendez
Puerto Rico

Idalides Vergara-Laurens
Universidad Ana G. Mendez
Puerto Rico


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