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CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

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How To Ensure Lean Sustainability Through Digitization In Industry 4.0? A Study In Practical Context Using The Mlean Tool

In today's business world, the path to the development of “Industry 4.0” starts with digitization. Although digitization itself is not part of “Industry 4.0”, connectivity is the basic requirement for its implementation. In this sense, with the emergence of technologies, preserving what already exists has become preponderant. This preservation then involves reconciling Lean with technology. In this article, a case study on the use and implementation of a digital tool will be conducted, specifically mLean, a tool that daily supports the production lines of an organization belonging to the automotive industry. As mLean is based on digitization, it is possible to create more dynamic and less complex environments, thus improving quality, flexibility, and productivity in the industrial environment, facts in line with findings of this study. In addition, it was possible to conclude with this study that this tool allows to standardize information, reduce paper usage, and get answers faster, thus improving lean management and ensuring the sustainability of associated practices.

Ana Ferreira
University of Aveiro

Leonor Teixeira
University of Aveiro


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