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CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

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Virtual Reality-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation For Stroke Patients Using Activities of Daily Life

Traditional rehabilitation involves patients performing cognitively demanding tasks, but they aren't always related to their daily lives or important tasks. Additionally, patients do not respond well to conventional rehabilitation methods because they are not appealing and engaging. In this poster, we present an immersive Virtual Reality application for stroke patients’ cognitive rehabilitation that includes daily life activities. Validation of the results was performed using the Content Validity Index (CVI). According to the validation results, the tasks created are suitable for the cognitive rehabilitation of stroke patients.

Andrius Paulauskas
Kaunas University of Technology

Tomas Blažauskas
Kaunas University of Technology

Jovita Janavičiūtė-Pužauskė
Vytautas Magnus University

Liuda Šinkariova
Vytautas Magnus University


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