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CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

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Integrated Information System For Accessible Tourism: Study and Design of A Solution

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are playing an increasingly crucial role in tourism. One of the areas that can benefit most from these technologies is clearly the area of accessible tourism. However, accessible tourism, despite being associated with a market with great potential, is still largely ignored, due to the existence of some barriers. Technology-based solutions can help to overcome some obstacles, increasing the potential of this market. Therefore, this paper aims to present a study in the area of accessible tourism, integrating the main requirements of this type of market, and, consequently, design a web-based information system. To design the solution, a methodology centered on the users was adopted, followed by the conceptualization, using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation. Given the importance of these types of solutions and the lack of them in the field of accessible tourism, this study is expected to contribute with a positive response to the needs raised in that market, presenting a proposal for a technological solution that can help in the promotion of accessible tourism products and services.

Pedro Teixeira
University of Aveiro

Leonor Teixeira
University of Aveiro

Celeste Eusébio
University of Aveiro


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