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CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

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Quadruped Stanford Pupper Type Robot Modeling and Simulation

Nowadays there are many research efforts in the field of artificial intelligence applied in all the fields of robotics. There are developed and trained new models both supervised and unsupervised learning. ln order to be able to get a reliable final product, a very important step is modeling and simulation. This paper focuses on the analysis of a quadruped robot, Stanford Pupper type, for which the mathematical model for the locomotor system was developed in order to be then implemented in a simulator that allows the development of machine learning algorithms for training it. There can be implemented in the simulator various use cases, like: learning to walk both supervised and unsupervised scenarios, learning to navigate on a zone with uneven surface and with small obstacles, or learning to climb stairs or other big obstacles.

Nelu Mija
University of Petrosani

Monica Leba
University of Petrosani

Cosmin Rus
University of Petrosani

Emanuel Muntean
University of Petrosani


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