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CISTI'2023 - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

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Cloud Computing Services – Emerging Trends During The Times of Pandemic

Cloud computing services offer virtualization, meaning that users can access applications and services from any location with an internet connection. Different studies predicted and some reports confirmed that the adoption of cloud computing was neither slowed down nor sustained but accelerated during the covid-19 pandemic. This paper aims to find out if these conclusions are valid in the environment of the European Union and especially in the Czech Republic. We answer our main research question based on the data gathered by Eurostat within Digital economy and society surveys. Did the growth before the pandemic sustain, accelerate, or slow? We also focus on particular types of cloud computing services and compare results according to different sizes of companies and the domain they work.

Hana Kopáčková
University of Pardubice

Sann Thawdar Htoo
University of Pardubice


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